For online transactions, PayPal payments (Visa, Mastercard and American Express) are welcome. You can also order by phone at 418-692-9696.
Our prices are in Canadian currency (CAD $) and include shipping costs for Quebec province resident only. Additional fees apply for shipping outside Quebec.
Costs and delivery time: Costs and delivery time are given according to the destination and the transport mode selected. We use Canada Post services.
When you make an order with the PayPal payment system, your transaction is directed to a secured Internet payment terminal. This connection uses the latest generation SST encryption protocol. The PayPal securing and prevention tools are among the best on the market.
All transaction data is encoded to be transmitted from your computer to the PayPal server, the only server able to decrypt the information. PayPal then pass along the information relating to your order to the merchant, except that concerning your credit card. To learn more about PayPal, click here.
All personal information collected will only be used to process your order. Only the following information will be collected during the order:
Rest assured that all personal information collected will be kept private. It will only be used to:
No information will be collected without your agreement. Please note that you are automatically giving your consent by filling up an order form. You can withdraw your consent at all times. To do so, please contact Mr. Jean-Sébastien Pagé at
Your personal information will never be shared or communicated to third parties.
We will advise you of any change we may have to make to our privacy policy. The date of every policy update will be displayed as at the bottom of each of our Privacy Policy page. In those cases, the Website will be updated immediately. Privacy policies in effect at the time of the order will however always take precedence.